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HOLISTIC WAY OF BEAUTY: Beauty from the inside out


HOLISTIC WAY OF BEAUTY: Beauty from the inside out.

Are you one of those people who own a moisturizer for the face, a lotion for the oily T-zone, a cream for the eyes, another cream for the neck, a rich balm for the hands, and maybe three or five different masks that are diligently applied every night? Do you own separate creams for your feet, hands, bottom, and belly area? Do you treat your hair with at least five different products every morning, starting with shampoo, followed with a conditioner, straightener, volume boosting foam, hair spray, and maybe a serum for split ends? Do you apply an antiperspirant topped with a spritz of a fragrance?

I bet you said yes to at least some of these questions. If you did, welcome to the world of synthetic beauty, where each and every skin area is treated in isolation from the rest of the body; where hair is simply a pretty accessory that needs to be dyed, glossed, ironed, and puffed; where nails are as glossy as your gel extensions permit; and where skin problems are managed with layers of expensive serums and acid peels, without real understanding of what’s causing all those blemishes, spots, and wrinkles.

But there is another kind of beauty. It is called holistic beauty. The key word here is “holistic,” a novel approach to beauty and well-being in general. Based on holos, a Greek word meaning "whole, entire," holistic health stresses that all aspects of our existence—psychological, physical, and social—should be taken into account and seen as a whole. Unlike symptomatic health, where symptoms are treated and not the whole body, holistic principles of well-being use natural diet, herbal remedies, nutritional supplements, relaxation, meditation, and alternative medicine practices such as acupuncture, homeopathy, and massage therapy to achieve the optimal state of well-being.

When it comes to beauty, holistic principles view our skin, hair, and nails nota s visible body parts that need constant cleansing, polishing, painting, exfoliating, and dyeing to keep them pretty, but as integral parts of our well-being that can be improved with nutrition, relaxation, and probably a detox if exposed to synthetic toxins or suffering from congestion and possibly adverse conditions. Holistic beauty treats the face, body, hair, and nails as parts of the whole picture. Healthy skin and hair begin with the healthy liver, healthy bowels, healthy ovaries, and of course the healthy mind.


The holistic way of beauty teaches us to be proactive, not reactive. Instead of rubbing an expensive and potentially toxic cream into your wrinkles, let’s try and prevent visible signs of aging with focused nutrition, supplements, sun protection, and stress relief. Instead of rubbing our skin with prescription medications to stop hair loss, turn to vitamins, acupuncture, and massage. Don’t spend a fortune on gel nails if you can grow your own with simple changes in your diet and self-massage. Here is how holistic beauty interconnects all aspects of alternative medicine:

1. HEALTHY MIND: By adopting a positive mind-set, you will be less likely to make unhealthy choices in your diet or beauty regimen. When you stop falling prey to clever marketing and celebrity pressure, you will be able to fully concentrate on how your body feels and what you truly need to look and feel beautiful.

2. HEALTHY EMOTIONS: As you learn to stress less over minor things, you will enjoy a relaxed, glowing complexion with fewer blemishes and spots triggered by chronic stress. Nasolabial (nose to mouth) folds and forehead frowns will diminish, not because of expensive creams and injectable fillers, but thanks to relaxed facial muscles, improved circulation, and better sleep.

3. HEALTHY SKIN: When you stop being too demanding and anxious about your looks, clear skin and glowing hair follow. By eliminating unhealthy, toxic chemicals from your beauty routine and re-placing them with natural alternatives, you are investing in the best health insurance possible—inside and out.

4. HEALTHY APPROACH: Equipped with knowledge about the healing powers of stress relief, healthy sleep, and natural skincare, you will become your own natural beauty expert who does not rely on store-bought kits and tools to deal with beauty di-lemmas. Using simple natural ingredients and a little patience, you can deal with any cosmetic trou-ble, be it dry skin, blemishes, weak hair, brittle nails, or even cellulite.

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