Become a Sleeping Beauty: How a good night sleep can help you look beautiful and rejuvenate your skin. Did you know that a good night sleep is probably the most powerful rejuvenating cosmetic procedure available? Research shows that sleep really can enhance your appearance. According to a recent study, sleep-deprived people are perceived as less attractive and less healthy, compared with those who look well rested. Your physical beauty begins in your mind. We all know that worries and anxiety are bad for our health and that you can literally worry yourself sick. But your lack of sleep can bring a whole new host of beauty worries for you. When you don’t sleep enough, your body needs to push itself twice as hard to survive on a brink of fatigue. Your body sends energy from already depleted resource where it’s needed most: to the heart, brain, muscles, intestines, and endocrine glands. Skin and hair are the last in the list of priorities when our body has access to very limited amount of ...
Common skin problems during Autumn and How to take care of them. It’s not just the leaves that change with the welcoming of autumn; your skin does, too. While the autumn weather may encourage outdoor activities, your skin retains less moisture because of the cooler, drier air. Autumn presents special challenges to the face, body, hands, nails and feet. Keep reading for an overview of how to treat each area. Face/Head Despite the waning sun, it is still crucial to use sunscreen in autumn. And moisturizing is more important than ever, regardless of skin type. In fact, even oily skin needs a moisturizer. People with seborrhea, or dandruff, may experience autumn flare-ups. This chronic inflammatory skin disorder is more common in men than women. It can be controlled by washing with special soaps and shampoos or topical steroids. If seborrhea does not improve or worsens, a dermatologist can provide additional treatments. seborrhea Body/Trunk Moisturizer that is applied when the body is...